Breccia, Stefano
Stefano Breccia was an Italian contactee, and one of the main contacts in the Amicizia case or Friendship case, that he has written on. He passed away in 2012.
He was electrotechnical engineer and an expert on corporate management and technology systems, worker training in high technology, and technology education planning, as well as computer engineering, computer graphics, applied mathematics and fractal analysis.
He had a BS-equivalent degree in electrotechnical engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy, and Master's degree equivalents in: Telecommunications from the Polytechnic University in Torino, Italy; Computer sciences from the National University Center for Electronic Computing (CNUCE) in Pisa, Italy; and in Company management from the SSGRR in L’Aquila, Italy.
He had worked since 1973 at the corporate training institute Scuola Superiore Guglielmo Reiss Romoli (SSGRR), in L’Aquila, and remained there up to 2000, in the last seven years as the Assistant to the Managing Director.
At the University of L’Aquila, Faculty of Engineering, he was a former external professor of Computer Sciences and Algorithms for Computer Graphics, and in the Faculty of Training Sciences has given the course “Statistical Methodologies in Evaluating Training Results. He has lectured on: didactical methods at the British Telecom Training Centre, in Milton Keynes, the UK; on fractal analysis at the University of Novosibirsk and at the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Moscow; in the UK on the changes in roles due to office automation at Stratford on Avon, within a Diebold project; on news in computer aided instruction methodologies in Madrid, within the framework of an International Training & Development Organization (IFTDO) project.
He has been in charge of the project for creating a post graduate telecommunications school in Cordoba, Argentina. Within a European Community PHARE project, he has cooperated in the design of post-graduate telecommunication schools in Eastern Europe. Within an EC TACIS project, he has cooperated in the design and starting operation of a post-graduate telecommunications school in Novosibirsk, Russia.
He has been president of the scientific committee of the Center for Studies and Applications of Information Technologies, Catania, Sicily. He is a former member of the board of directors of the Giovanni Someda International Center for Telecommunications, (named after the noted Italian university professor), Venice, Italy. He has been a member of the board of trustee of the Institute for Training and Economic Development, L’Aquila, Italy. And he has been a member of the board of directors of the SSGRR magazine Societa dell’informazione (Information Society), and a former editing director of the same publication. He has also been a member of the CT UNINFO commission on learning methodologies in Torino, Italy, as well as the didactical committee of the Italian Association for Industrial Research in Rome.
In 1995 he participated, as a consultant for the European Community to the Steering Committee of the DELTA Project in Brussels, as the responsible of “Areas of Application of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Computer-Based Learning,” and has participated in the DELTA Projects selection committee as the STET representative. He has participated, as an external consultant to the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research, in the definition of curricula in engineering universities, particularly in the area of intermediate degrees. He has been the hardware and software designer of the synesthetic project MC4, exhibited at the 2000 edition of the SMAU, in Milan, in the area of technology innovation.
He is the author or co-author of six books in Italian on electronics, computer programming, computer graphics and the mathematics used in computer systems and one book forthcoming, and the author of hundreds of papers and articles in professional journals on these subjects. In 2007 he published Mass Contacts in Italian and in 2009 in English.
Stefano Breccia was married and the father of two grown sons.