Castillo-Rincon, Enrique

Enrique Castillo Rincon
Enrique Castillo Rincon

Enrique Castillo-Rincón was a Costa Rican contactee and UFO researcher. He had his most important experiences between 1963-1975. He claims to have been aboard extraterrestrial spaceships on at least five occasions in the 1972-1975 time period. He spoke at many UFO conferences. He passed away in 2013.

The exonews website published the following information when he passed away:

Enrique Castillo-Rincon was one of the "classic" contactees that rose to world attention in the 1970's (like Eduard "Billy" Meierand Sixto Paz Wells).  He was part of a new wave of contacts with human-looking ETs, this time outside of the U.S.  Enrique was a straightforward man that clearly showed that easygoing, positive, mutually respectful, friendly contacts with ETs are possible. Through his no nonsense and candid style, he demystified the contact experience and made it more accessible for the common man or "down to earth." He also reported his encounters in an objective manner and maintained a consistent narration. Enrique Castillo-Rincon was very courageous and accomplished his work adequately for all of us. He will be missed although we know that his work will be honored and in the years to come will continue awakening people to intelligently join our cosmic community/family in peace, harmony. Enrique led the way to speak courageously and speak up for those willing to listen in spite of his wife asking him for divorce and not being understood by many others close to him.

Enrique Castillo-Rincon was born in San Jose, COSTA RICA. He was an electrical engineer. Enrique had a UFO sighting in 1963 on Irazu Volcano, Costa Rica and was contacted by human-looking Pleiadians in 1973. Among others he contacted an extraterrestrial named "Krishnamerk" also known as "Cyril Weiss" who was similar to Earth humans and whom he had previously met in Caracas, Venezuela. He also contacted an extraterrestrial named "Orion" and others.

Enrique moved to Bogota, Colombia and was not inclined to mystify or turn contacts into pseudo-religious events. He avoided mysticism leading to fanaticism. He led the Instituto Colombiano de Investigaciones de Fenomenos Extraterrestres (The Colombian Institute of Investigations of Extraterrestrial Phenomena).

His group in Colombia helped him to go to the telepathically arranged physical encounters. Some of the ETs were 6'2" tall. Some were exceedingly blonde. The light that took him up into the air into a spaceship was "solid" to the touch. After his first contact he was elated but his wife didn't understand. His contacts lasted from 1973 to 1976. They told him over the phone that they had come to him to give him specific information and since that had been accomplished the contact period was over (both telepathically and physically). He lost his job for speaking about ETs. To survive he needed to start charging money for conferences.

Fabio Zerpa from Argentina was the first researcher that saw him and then came Andreas Faber-Kaiser. In the beginning some researchers didn't believe him but later on (and after four more physical encounters) they did.

For Enrique Castillo-Rincon and the ETs science and consciousness and spirituality must combine without getting into fanaticisms.

In 1974 he also contacted Nordic looking, human-looking Venusians that were just shorter in height (5'2") and was taken to a high place in the Andes of Peru and to a magnetic vortex located somewhere between Marcawasi and Macchu Picchu. The Venusians were in the same organization as the Pleadians: The Great Solar Cosmic Brotherhood. Enrique didn't understand why some of the ETs told him they were "Venusians" since Venus is known to be uninhabitable. However, he thought that perhaps they had originally been from Venus and then moved to another place.

Enrique gave lectures in several UFO congresses including the International UFO Congress. He reported being invited by human agents from the U.S. Embassy and taken to Washington DC where he willingly submitted to an interrogation and a regression under truth serum (sodium pentotal).  He did it to validate his experience. He thought it was a formal event as he probably saw CIA and perhaps FBI agents. Dr.  J. J. Hurtak later told him that two of the physicians that had participated in this procedure died under mysterious circumstances. The fact that he was interrogated was later corroborated by whistleblowers.

The ETs gave Enrique much information of a scientific, spiritual, prophetic, esoteric, technological character. While showing him a spaceship they told him that mental energy is converted through "living memory crystals" to a discharge used for instant translation in space-time. They told him that the future and prophecies is malleable and negative events can be modified by humans joining in groups focusing their positive intention. He was given predictions that came to pass and predictions that didn't but he didn't like or understood well why. He didn't like to have been given predictions that didn't come to pass.

Enrique thought that the ETs contacted a simple non-powerful person like him precisely because they know what they do and are highly intelligent. It wasn't a casual affair. Enrique understood that the ETs obey a great "plan" and much will become clear soon, without giving a specific date.

Recommended book   Ufos: A Great New Dawn for Humanity (available in Amazon regular and Kindle).