Davis, Eric

Eric Davis is an astrophysicist who has worked as a research physicist at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, Texas, and is currently a senior research physicist at EarthTech International Inc., where he is the Chief Science Officer. He has also worked as a contractor and consultant for various organizations, including the U.S. Air Force, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the National Institute for Discovery Science.
Davis is known for his research in areas such as advanced propulsion systems, faster-than-light travel, and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. He has authored or co-authored several papers on these topics, including "Faster-Than-Light Space Warps, Status and Next Steps" and "Invisibility Cloaks, Traversable Wormholes, and Other Theoretical Aerospace Applications of General Relativity."
In recent years, Davis has gained attention in the UFO community for his involvement in the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which studied reports of UFO sightings and encounters. He has discussed his work on the program in interviews and has called for greater transparency from the government on the issue of UFOs.
Davis has admitted that he has worked as a subcontractor and then a consultant for the Pentagon U.F.O. program since 2007. He has recently given briefings to Pentagon officials regarding "off-world vehicles not made on this earth".
In 2021 it was also revealed that Eric Davis is the author of the so-called Wilson Document. The document is a memorandum that Eric Davis typed up describing his meeting with Admiral Tom Wilson in 2002 when he was looking into the possible existence of crashed/retrieved vehicles. This document is alleged to have leaked from Edgar Mitchell's estate after he passed away in 2016.