Hemsworth, Ross

Ross Hemsworth is a business entrepreneur and owner of a number of radio networks, but is also a well known paranormal radio and TV presenter, scientific investigator of anomalous phenomena and an intriguing and entertaining speaker at events worldwide. He has been hailed as a "forward thinking visionary" and "prolific investigator" and also promotes positive thinking and "cosmic ordering" - making things happen rather than waiting for six numbers to make you rich in the lottery stakes! He is also co-founder of The Phantom or Fraud Project. As a successful speaker, and now author with his first book (The Dead ARE Talking) set to be a massive worldwide hit. Ross tours the world promoting the growth of spirituality, and science’s more open-minded approach to the paranormal. He also has some intriguing views on inter-dimensional entities - what some people call ALIENS! Ross’s key topics are parallel dimensions, dowsing and Earth energies and their effect on ESP & telepathy, Soul survival - the evidence to support it, ORBS - don’t write them off until you’ve heard the news, and The Knights Templar - they may NOT have originated in France after all! Ross presents the worldwide syndicated hit radio show Now THAT’S Weird (www.nowthatsweird.co.uk) which has an estimated global audience of over 500,000 listeners. He has also presented various TV shows including the hit UK series’ Ghost Detectives. Ross can be contacted at: ross@glastonburyradio.net or +44 11458 830922