Jover del Pozo, Jose

Jose (Pepón) Jover del Pozo, in his own words: I would like to use three words that capture my essence as a way to briefly present myself. The first one describes who I am, a seeker of truth; the second, my main interest, consciousness and its expansion and finally freedom, my biggest eagerness. I search for the truths that help me become conscious of anything unconscious within me in order to transform myself into a freer spiritual being. My continuous search for the truth about life has lead me to find in my journey the extraterrestrial issue and become aware of the consequences of such fact for our Human Civilization. I've realized that this is the biggest human secret ever kept and that it has the great potential to dynamite the structures that enslave our psyche into this illusory matrix of a three dimensional reality; hence freeing humankind from suffering. Since this realization, I've experienced how the pieces of the puzzle of the big mystery of life I was trying to put together, started to fit and a great image began to emerge. Exopolitics became then the platform from which to pursue my biggest desire for all human beings: freedom. I was born in Barcelona, Spain, however, I've never had the feeling of belonging to a country but rather to some larger and deeper reality. My academic background starts with a four year degree in International Trade at Pompeu Fabra University, afterwards again a four year degree in Psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya both in Barcelona, and at the present time, I'm finishing a two year MSc on Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology at Liverpool John Moores University. I come from the business world, having worked for a while in different companies and later on shifting towards the health sector, working as a practicum student of psychology in Psycho Oncology at Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona. Once finished psychology I became a transpersonal psychotherapist which lead me to start the MSc I'm finishing now. Throughout the years 2000 and 2001 I've published six articles in a well known newspaper, El Mundo, about psychology and spirituality. Since 2006 I've been running my main website where I freely publish my articles and research. Since early 2008 I have been running the Spanish Exopolitics site which has been disclosing the truth about the ETs reality and free energy, as well as to educate, inform and serve as a platform for the Spanish speaking community on Exopolitics. Website: