Smith, Yvonne

Yvonne Smith, C.Ht.
Yvonne Smith

Yvonne Smith, C.Ht., graduated in 1990 with a Certification from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. She specializes in treating sufferers of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) especially in the aftermath of alien encounters. In 1992 she founded the Close Encounters Resource Organization [CERO], a monthly support group for experiencers. Yvonne has lectured extensively in North and South American, and at European UFO conferences. In July 2007 she lectured and was an MC at the Roswell, New Mexico 60th anniversary Festival. Yvonne has frequently lectured with hypnotherapist-colleagues Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, John Carpenter and the late Dr. John Mack. She is a veteran of some 30 TV guest appearances, including appearances on MSNBC, The Discovery Channel, and Encounters, and of radio interviews with hosts including Art Bell, Paul Harvey, and Joe Montaldo. Yvonne and the CERO support group were featured on a Walt Disney documentary movie, Alien Encounters, in 1995.

Source: JAR Magazine.