Xendra, pronounced Shen-dra, is the name mentioned by contactee Sixto Paz Wells for some kind of Stargate or interdimensional gateway technology the aliens use that he's in contact with.
In an article on Exonews (http://exonews.org/xendra-domes-of-light-mission-rahmas-dimensional-portals/), Sixto Paz Wells from Peru tells us the following regarding xendras:
Among the least known contact experiences which nonetheless is one of the most extraordinary and incredible are the Xendra Interdimensional Doors. A 'xendra' is a dimensional door or space-time threshold. As they (ETs) told me, they have been able to concentrate energy in such a way that they can dematerialize a person, canceling his molecular cohesion and atomic weight and they can project or send him to another place.
The xendra is the projection of concentrated light that accelerates the person's vibration and acts as a dimensional transference vehicle and threshold in space-time. (Again) the person going through a xendra depending on its intensity- can even be dematerialized to be tele-transported to another place, canceling his molecular cohesion and atomic weight. This experience can occur many times during the personal and collective preparation process. This means that one can re-live it many times in which case there are many kinds of xendra that allow from a physical experience to a mental projection or also a bilocation or also a conscious astral experience.
The types of xendras are:
a) Xendra I: A kind of dimensional door designed for a single person in the company of an extraterrestrial being or guide. This xendra usually has the shape of a half Moon, about 10 meters (33 feet) in diameter and allows a physical experience of dematerialization with the local disappearance of the person and his projection to another place which could be the interior of a spaceship, an intraterrestrial or sub aquatic base or even another planet.
b) Xendra II: is that xendra in which up to seven persons can go inside while coordinated or accompanied by two extraterrestrial beings. This experience can also be physical or of a mental projection or bilocation and the shape can be that of a golden half Moon, oval-shaped, like an arch or different.
c) Xendra III-IV 'Gimbra': This is the kind of xendra that allows up to 12 persons to go at once inside and it is usually coordinated by the Confederation's Council. This xendra varies its form from something like a greyish silver dome to a whitish or glistening blue cloud or a dome where sparks float above the ground having a whitish surface. It can measure a diameter greater than 10 meters (33 feet). Unlike the other types of dimensional passages this kind of xendra facilitates a profoundly spiritual experience of cosmic integration. The other xendras can provide physical mental or astral experiences but many persons go through the threshold and don't manage to remember what they experienced inside and this is why they might have to work during their meditations and conscious regressions in order to remember it.
When one goes inside one of the (physical teleportation) xendras one feels dizziness, nausea, a sensation of losing weight. One feels as if the entire body is burning, a very strange sensation. In some cases one feels being like an inside-out sweater or jersey, as if one has been turned inside-out completely, somewhat similar to the story of Alice in Wonderland, meaning that they place you on the other side of the mirror. It really is an extraordinary experience, above all because when I first went into it I estimate I was between 4-5 days (in Ganymede) but upon my return found out that only 15 minutes had passed.
There was a famous Incident in March 2002, where Sixto Paz Wells had predicted a contact event, and a xendra manifested. Twenty-four (24) people, including Paz Wells, were seen going through it and dematerialized. When they came back they said they had met extraterrestrials. This even was witnessed by many people who were attending the International Congress of Extraterrestrial Contact,
For more information on this event, see: https://www.ufocasebook.com/thexendra.html