Advertise on the Exopaedia
The Exopaedia on average gets between 35 000 and 40 000 page views per month.
These are genuine page views, and exclude robots, etc.
That makes it more than worthwhile advertising here.
Who should consider advertising?
The target audience of the Exopaedia, is fairly well defined: people with an interest in exopolitics and ufology.
If you are an event organizer, an author or publisher, or somebody who makes merchandise for this target audience, this is the right place to communicate with them.
Over 95% of visitors come from English speaking countries; the majority of them from the US.
Advertising Price
I've set the price for ads at 5 USD per 1000 page views. This is below the market price, where many platforms start from 6 USD upward.
Based on an estimate of 35 000 page views in a month, that sets the price at
- 175 USD for one month, and
- 500 USD for 3 months.
- You get your ads delivered to a specific target audience.
- The ads are coded into the pages, and not delivered from a third-party network, which means ad-blockers won't block them out.
- The price of 175 USD / month, or 500 USD / 3 months, is very competitive, and below market prices.
How does it work
Two advertising spaces are available: at the top of the page, under the menu; and in the right column in between the related topics and the external links. Your ad, an image, will be put in either one of your choice.
You have to provide us with two images and a link to take the visitors to when they click the image.
Dimensions of the images:
- 640 * 60
- 360 * 240
Interested? Contact us.