1. Archangels are not individuals. They are personalized manifestations of a higher dimensional collective consciousness. Each Archangel merely represents a quality, or an energy of that consciousness.
Personally, I do believe that the EL-consciousness is such an (or should I say 'the') "Archangel-consciousness."
2. The archangels are one of the nine orders (or choirs) of Angels, and belong to the Third Sphere.
The Bible (only) mentions three archangels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.
- Michael is the messenger of divine judgment, and the general of the heavenly troops. He represents the qualities of Protection, Power, and Initiative.
- Gabriel is the messenger of divine mercy. Usually, he is just referred to as the Messenger of God. He represents the qualities of Purity, Resurrection and Artistic Development.
- Raphael is the messenger of divine healing and guardianship. He represents the qualities of Concentration, Truth, and Scientific Development.
The Dead Sea Scrolls mention a fourth Archangel: Sariel (or Ariel, or Uriel)
Other sources mention seven archangels. The fifth, sixth and seventh archangels are Chamuel, Jophiel and Zadkiel.
- Uriel is the fire of God and stands for prophecy and wisdom. He represents the qualities of Devotional Worship, Ministration, and Peace.
- Chamuel has been called the seer of God. He represents the qualities of Love, Tolerance and Gratitude.
- Jophiel has been called the beauty of God. He represents the qualities of Illumination, Wisdom, and Perception.
- Zadkiel has been called the judgment of God. He represents the qualities of Ordered Service, Culture, Refinement, Diplomacy, and Invocation.
Nowadays, however, a lot of other sources claim there are twelve archangels, while others even mention twenty-two or forty-four.