Collins, Robert

Robert Michael Collins
Robert M. Collins

Robert M. Collins (+18 May 2024) was the main author of Exempt from Disclosure, which he co-wrote with Rick Doty and Tim Cooper. He was a retired Air Force Captain and Intelligence Officer who used to work with the Foreign Technology Division, which is generally suspected to also handle materials from crashed UFOs.

It is generally believed that Robert Collins was the 'Condor' in the 1988 Kodak-produced network television documentary "UFO Cover-up Live." (Several researchers suspect that Robert Collins was not the 'Condor' of the Aviary, and only played the part in the documentary. Collins, however, has confirmed that he was 'Condor').

Because of his ties with the FTD and because of his role in the 1988 documentary, a number of authors and researchers have questioned the reliability of the information Collins provided.

In the days of the Serpo releases, Robert Collins was one of the people who frequently commented on them.

On his own web site,, he has the following biographical information:

Born in Oconomowoc Wisconsin and son of an Episcopal Priest (Priest in the Anglican Church) moving many times in a churchly career eventually graduating from the University of New Hampshire with a major in Physics and a minor in mathematics. A second career as a former Air Force Intelligence Officer, Capt, O-3 (Chief Analyst/Scientist in theoretical Physics holding a Top Secret/SCI clearance) at the Foreign Technology Division (FTD), (Air Force Achievement Award at FTD) now NASIC Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio with an extensive background in Aircraft Avionics Systems, Ground Communications, and Engineering Physics (graduate school) (Electro-Optics, Plasma, and Nuclear Physics) totaling over 22 years (Air Force Commendation Medal). His first UFO contacts were made at FTD starting in 1985 and continue to this day with research and publications.