Cook, Richard

Richard Cook
Richard Cook

In 1970 Richard Cook graduated from the College of William and Mary, receiving a degree with honors and election to Phi Beta Kappa. He then came to Washington, D.C., to study meditation and spirituality and serve as an analyst with the federal government.  While at NASA Cook warned of a possible disaster due to faulty O-ring joints in the space shuttle solid rocket boosters. The disaster came to pass with the loss of Challenger and seven American astronauts in January 1986. Cook then worked at the U.S. Treasury department for over two decades. Upon retirement in 2007, he wrote articles predicting the financial crash of 2008.

Cook has published several books, including “In the Footsteps of the Yogi” on his spiritual experiences; “Challenger Revealed” on his time as a whistleblower with NASA; and “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform” on how to change the financial system. In his latest book, “Return of the Aeons: The Planetary Spiritual Ascension”, Cook says that Ascension is real and applies to all human beings. Cook writes further that the Divine Beings known in ancient times as Aeons are here and available to guide us.

Cook and his wife Karen now live in Roanoke, VA, USA, where they teach Ascension Meditation and Healing™ at the Lifestream Center.

His web site can be found at

Richard Cook is a member of the Advisory Board of the Exopolitics Institute.