Hill, Bernice
Bernice H. Hill, Ph.D., is a Jungian Analyst in private practice in Boulder, Colorado; member of the International Association of Analytic Psychology (Zurich) and a senior training analyst for the C. G. Jung Institute of Colorado. She has presented seminars on UFOs and extraterrestrials to mental health professionals and the public in Colorado Springs, Denver and Boulder. Her prior experiences include being a chemist for the Canadian Dept. of Defense, studying the effects of irradiation on biological materials. Appalled at the destructiveness of nuclear weaponry; she left science for social action. She served as advisor for a Canadian provincial Member of Parliament after his successful run as an independent. Following a fascination with the human psyche brought her to the work of Carl Jung and Stan Grof. She has been an active member of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine. While attending The Star Knowledge Conference (Wagner S.D., 1996); she participated in the circle of 12 women in the ritual offered by New Zealand shaman MacWiremu Korako Ruka. As a consequence, she organized similar rituals in Peru and New Zealand.
Publications: Emergence of the Cosmic Psyche: Extraterrestrials and Subtle Energy, Journal of The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine, Autumn 2008. Sophia and Sustainability in L.M.George (ed): Love of the Fourth Spiritual Paradigm. Oracle Institute Press, 2009. Review of: When the Impossible Happens (Stan Grof), Journal of The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine, Spring 2007.
Web site: www.bernicehill.com.
Bernice Hill is a member of the Advisory Board of the Exopolitics Institute.