In Egyptian Mythology, Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris, and became the ruler over Egypt when he succeeded them. Horus is usually depicted with the head of an Eagle or a Falcon. He held the All-seeing Eye (the Eye of Horus) that made him omniscient. He had four sons.
There is a link with AN. Horus is supposed to be a son of AN. There is also a link with EL: the EL's are the holders of the All-seeing Eye. (See also 'eye' for an explanation of the 'All-seeing Eye.')
Horus was worshiped in many forms. The more important ones are listed below:
A. Hor-akhuti (Horakhty).
"Horus of (or in) the Horizons," one of the most common titles of Horus, especially when in his function as a solar deity, emphasizing his reign stretching from one horizon to the other.
B. Hor-behedet (HADIT).
A form of Horus worshipped in the city of Behdet, shown in the well-known form of a solar disk with a great pair of wings, usually seen hovering above important scenes in Egyptian religious art. Made popular by Aleister Crowley under the poorly transliterated name "HADIT", the god appears to have been a way of depicting the omnipresence of Ra and Horus. As Crowley says in Magick in Theory and Practice, "the infinitely small and atomic yet omnipresent point is called HADIT." This is a good expression of the god - seen almost everywhere, yet at the same time small and out-of-the-way.
C. Hor-pa-kraat (Horus the Child, GD: Hoor-par-kraat).
Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris, distinguished from Horus the Elder, who was the old patron deity of Upper Egypt; but the worship of the two gods became confused early in Egyptian history and the two essentially merged. Represented as a young boy with a child's sidelock of hair, sucking his finger.
The Golden Dawn attributed Silence to him, presumably because the sucking of the finger is suggestive of the common "shhh" gesture.
D. Horus (Her).
One of the most important deities of Egypt. Horus as now conceived is a mixture of the original deities known as "Horus the Child" and "Horus the Elder". As the Child, Horus is the son of Osiris and Isis, who, upon reaching adulthood, becomes known as Her-nedj-tef-ef ("Horus, Avenger of His Father") by avenging his father's death, by defeating and casting out his evil uncle Set. He then became the divine prototype of the Pharaoh.
As Horus the Elder, he was also the patron deity of Upper (Southern) Egypt from the earliest times; initially, viewed as the twin brother of Set (the patron of Lower Egypt), but he became the conqueror of Set c. 3000 B.C.E. when Upper Egypt conquered Lower Egypt and formed the unified kingdom of Egypt.
E. Horus the Elder (Her-ur, Aroueris).
Horus, the patron god of Upper Egypt from time immemorial; distinguished from Horus the Child (Hor-pa-kraat), who was the son of Isis and Osiris; but the two gods merged early in Egyptian history and became the one Horus, uniting the attributes of both.
The Four Sons of Horus.
The four sons of Horus were the protectors of the parts of the body of Osiris, and from this, became the protectors of the body of the deceased. They were: Amset, Hapi, Duamutef, and Qebhsenuef. They were protected in turn by the goddesses Isis, Nephthys, Neith, and Serket.
SEE ALSO Amset, Duamutef, Hapi, Isis, Neith, Nephthys, Qebhsenuef, and
[Source: Shawn C. Knight, "Egyptian Mythology FAQ" ]