Lorgen, Eve

Eve Lorgen
Eve Lorgen

Eve F. Lorgen M.A. - Eve has conducted research and counseling in the alien abduction field for 3 decades. Her degrees are in Biochemistry and Counseling Psychology with additional studies in spiritualism, mysticism, shamanism, yoga and the martial arts. Early on in her work with abductees, mind control victims and experiencers of anomalous trauma, Eve realized that standard psychological and medical methods are incomplete in their treatment modalities.
Abductees must take responsibility to expand their awareness, find mutual support with other abductees and take an active part in their healing and recovery process.
Eve has written numerous articles on the alien abduction phenomenon and published The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships in April 2000, and is a contributing author to the three volume Universal Seduction series by Angelico Tapestra. She has lectured publicly and appeared on many radio talk shows. Currently her focus is on methods of spiritual empowerment and awareness such as lucid dream work and meditation