Lyran dark-skinned group
Another race from the Lyra Constellation are the Darker Skinned Lyrans.
Lyssa Royal: "There was one other group, a humanoid type that is more rare, but it has had interactions with your world as well. This was Caucasian in features but the skin is more of a light chocolate, very uniform throughout the whole body. You would consider it a very pleasant, appealing shade. The eyes are brown, not black, although some were green; and the hair was not black but dark brown. This group had influence on your planet in the area of India, Pakistan, etc. That was their primary area of interest in their visits here. None of the races now on your world are pure extensions of any of these races; just about every race on your world has had some mixing. However, this last race, which we will call the darker-skinned Lyran, were considered pacifists. Their psychological makeup was one of extreme passivity, peacefulness. One may even call them lackadaisical, because it was very difficult to get an emotional reaction out of them. You will find some of these individuals mentioned in some of your Sanskrit literature from ancient times. "
[Lyssa Royal: Excerpt of "Galactic Family, An Overview of Genotypes"]
Note: not to be confused with the Vegans who have more distinctive features!
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