McCarty, James
James Allen McCarty was born in 1947 in Kearney, Nebraska. He is probably best known as the author / editor of the RA Material.
After receiving an undergraduate degrees from the University of Nebraska at Kearney and an M.S. in Early Childhood Education from the University of Florida, Jim moved to a piece of wilderness in Marion County, Kentucky, to build his own log cabin in the woods and to develop a self-sufficient lifestyle. For the next six years, he was in almost complete retreat.
He founded the Rock Creek Research and Development Laboratories in 1977 to further his teaching efforts. After experimenting, decided that he preferred the methods and directions he had found in studying with L/L Research in 1978 and 1979. In 1980, he joined his research with Don Elkin's and Carla Rueckert's. The legal entity that they are now comes from this joining of Jim's non-profit charity, The Rock Creek Research and Development Laboratories, with L/L Research in 1982. They use Rock Creek as our legal name, and do business as L/L Research.
Jim and Carla were married in 1987. Jim has a wide L/L correspondence and creates wonderful gardens and stonework. He enjoys history, beauty, nature, dance and silence. With Carla, he participates in L/L's channeling.
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