
As a symbol, a feather represents truth which must rise. It also represents lightness, speed, space, flight to other realms, the soul, feathered headdress, power.

In general, feathers have been associated with birds and thus with flight, freedom, and transcendence. Feathers have also been used as symbols of beauty, grace, and lightness, as well as of protection and defense.

In many indigenous cultures around the world, feathers have significant spiritual and cultural meanings. For example, in Native American cultures, eagle feathers are highly revered and used in religious ceremonies as a symbol of strength, courage, and wisdom. In ancient Egypt, feathers were often used in the headdresses of pharaohs and were associated with Ma'at, the goddess of truth, justice, and balance. In Hinduism, the peacock feather is associated with Lord Krishna, representing his divine beauty and grace.

Some New Age philosophies also associate white feathers with angels.