Foster, Alan

Alan Foster
Alan Foster

Alan Foster (United Kingdom) is a writer, researcher and international lecturer on UFO’s, Crop Formations, Environmental and Spiritual Issues. His career encompasses over fifteen years in the Airline Industry, including managing an airline travel operation providing commercial transport for the U.S. Military in the U.K., and then for the Mediterranean U.S. Naval Forces, where he was based at the Fleet H.Q. in Naples, Italy. He currently works in Aircraft Operations at an International Airport. For business, travelling and research he has been to over eighty countries worldwide, and has studied spiritual development, meditation and metaphysics. Alan had a UFO encounter in April 1973, and has over 36 years of UFO research and fifteen years experience of Crop Formation research. To raise public awareness of UFOlogical and Spiritual issues, Alan regularly lectures to U.K. Organisations and Community Groups, including Rotary Club, Royal Military Police, Royal Naval Association and Women’s Institutes. He also lectures at International UFO and Crop Formation Conferences.
Tel/Fax: 00 44 (0)1458 860543.
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Alan Foster is a member of the Advisory Board of the Exopolitics Institute.