Lamb, Barbara
Barbara Lamb MS, MFT, CHt is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist in Claremont, California. She specializes in Regression Therapy with people who experience encounters with extraterrestrial beings. Trained by the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies (APRT) she began working with ET experiencers in 1991, and has conducted regressions with more than 1650 of them, totaling at least 2600 regressions. She has taught workshops for Regression Therapists through various agencies such as APRT, the Professional Institute for Regression Therapy (PIRT) and others. She was President of the former Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists (ACCET).
She is on the Advisory Board of FREE: Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters, and actively contributes to the Research Committee.
She is on the Editorial Board of JAR: Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research.
Ms. Lamb has presented numerous lectures on the ET Encounter subject across the U.S., Canada, England and Belgium, and has been interviewed on numerous television and radio shows.
Together with Judith K. Moore, she co-authored Crop Circles Revealed, which was published in 2001.
Together with Nadine Lalich, she co-authored Alien Experiences: 25 cases of close encounters, which was published in 2008, with a foreword by Dr. Leo Sprinkle.
She is co-author of Meet the Hybrids, a book about ET-Human Hybrids living among us and contributing significantly to humanity.
She presented on the subject of ET-Human Hybrids at the International UFO Congress in February, 2016.