To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science

To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, often shortened to To the Stars Academy (TTSA), is a public benefit corporation, initially started in 2105 by Tom DeLonge, with the aim of creating a consortium among science, aerospace and entertainment.

On Facebook they describe themselves as follows:

To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science is a consortium of scientists, aerospace engineers and creatives that will work collectively to allow gifted researchers the freedom to explore exotic science and technologies with the infrastructure and resources to rapidly transition innovative ideas into world-changing products and services.

As a Public Benefit Corporation, To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science will look to collaborate with global citizens in all efforts to advance science and build a powerful community of interest. The company is raising capital from both accredited and unaccredited investors as an alternative to venture capital.

"The public interest in the outer edges of science and the understanding of phenomena has always been suffocated by mainstream ideology and bureaucratic constraint," says company President and interim CEO Tom DeLonge. "We believe there are discoveries within our reach that will revolutionize the human experience, but they can only be accomplished through the unrestricted support of breakthrough research and innovation."

Reported partners include

Garry Nolan was initially listed as Genetics Technologies Consultant but resigned 31 August 2018. 

Since they were introduced to the world in December 2017, they have been steadily releasing information on UFO cases that were investigated by Elizondo during his time at the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

In August 2018, they announced the launch of their ADAM research program: 

After Luis Elizondo and Chris Mellon left in January 2021, TTSA announced they would mainly focus on entertainment, and create documentaries.
