Flood (The Great)
The Bible is best known as the source of the story of the Great Flood. In the last 150 years, however, scholars discovered that the story in the Bible is actually a copy of older versions that go back to more ancient civilizations, such as the Babylonians, the Assyrians and the Sumerians. More recent studies have researched myths worldwide and came to the conclusion that the story of the Great Flood appears in more than 500 myths from all over the globe.
According to these myths, nearly all the land on Earth was flooded, thus destroying nearly all life-forms, and nearly wiping mankind off the Earth. Most of these myths seem to point to a pole shift as the main cause of the Flood.
By now, scientific research confirms that not one but several global floods took place at the end of the last Ice Age: between 17000 and 7000 years ago, several cataclysmic floods swept the Earth. Apart from the numerous local smaller scale floods, there have been three global super-floods, which are estimated to have happened:
· Between 15,000 to 14,000 years ago (i.e. 13,000 - 12,000 BC)
· Between 12,000 to 11,000 years ago (i.e. 10.000 - 9,000 BC)
· Between 8,000 and 7,000 years ago (i.e. 6,000 to 5,000 BC)
These estimates, depending on the source, can vary with as much as a 1,000 years.
In the period between 17000 and 7000 years ago sea levels rose by as much as 120 meter! This wasn't always a slow and steady rise, as the three super floods show.
The Legend of Atlantis tells how the Great Flood also meant the end of Atlantis. Even more, it was actually involuntarily caused by the Atlanteans. Unaware of the consequences of their technological experiments, meant to settle their internal wars, they destroyed the whole continent of Atlantis. The sinking of a whole continent created massive tidal waves and Earthquakes, that were felt all over the globe and caused the Great Flood. In their act of self-destruction, the Atlanteans nearly destroyed all of Earth.
Some Atlanteans had foreseen the imminent destruction, and fled to Yucatan, Egypt, etc., establishing new cultures over there, in which they had to integrate with the local population.
According to Earth's galactic History, the extra-terrestrials residing on Earth too, knew what was about to happen. The Lyrans wanted mankind to be destroyed, so they could start anew with planet Earth. The Sirians however saw it differently, and warned the other (=non-Atlantean) people on Earth. (Hence the stories about Noah). Those people built boats, or fled to higher regions, and survived the Great Flood. The survivors in the Middle East, settled down in the area of southern Mesopotamia. Eventually they would establish the Sumerian civilization.
Some time after that, the Great Egyptian Empire came into being, as did the empires of the (pre-)Mayan in Yucatan, and the (pre-) Inca in South-America. As was mentioned before, these cultures were established by surviving Atlanteans, mixing with locals who also survived the Flood, and with Extra-terrestrial Civilizations.
(It should be noted that recent archeological finds in Egypt seem to indicate that there had been a civilization before what is usually considered to be the Egyptian Empire. The first Egyptian dynasties appear somewhere around 3,100 BC. Recent geological finds show that the earliest Pyramids and the Sphinx may actually already have existed around 10,500 BC, which would corroborate the Atlantean story.)
Some authors mention not one but two (or more) floods. Edgar Cayce, e.g., mentions a first flood around 22,000 BC, and another one around 10,600 BC. The one in 22,000 BC would have been the one with Noah, whereas the one in 10,600 BC would have been the one in which Atlantis sank.
Authors do not seem to agree as to when the last Great Flood took place:
- Edgar Cayce situates it around 10,700 BC;
- Plato mentions a date of 9,600 BC as the time that a Flood destroyed Atlantis;
- The Ra material gives a date of 8.840 BC for the same event;
- Bauval, Hancock, West, e.a., situate the Flood around 10,500 BC;
- Sitchin puts it around 11,000 BC.
(Inca-kingdom of An was older, co-existed with Atlantis and Lemuria, and was not affected by the Flood).