"Noah is a Semitic derivative of the much earlier Sumerian name 'Utnapishtim' and the Akkadian 'Ziusudra.' The writings of these civilizations all portray a Noah-like character who is warned of the Flood by the God Enki. The Genesis story of the Flood is a condensation of much earlier and much more detailed pre-Biblical accounts in Sumerian and Akkadian literature." (The Prism of Lyra)
As is mentioned, several cultures tell a story of a Noah-like character who is warned of the Great Floods. These great floods took place between approx. 11,000 and 11,500 BC, and were also responsible for the final destruction of Atlantis.
The chronicles of Earth's galactic History mention that at a given point in time, the extraterrestrial visitors knew about the disasters that were about to happen. Some, like the Lyrans, considered this to be an ideal opportunity to wipe mankind of the Earth, and start anew. Others, like the Sirians, did not agree, and decided to warn mankind.
It is interesting to see that according to the Bible, Noah was warned by 'a serpent,' while Utnapishtim was warned by the God Enki, who also is represented by a snake.
It gets even more interesting when you realize that the Sirians used Serpent or Snake symbols to depict themselves. They wanted mankind to survive. And apparently Noah was not the only human to survive the Great Flood.