
Sirius, known as the Dog Star, is part of the constellation Canis Major. It lies 8.7 light years from Earth and is -when visible- the most brilliant star (as distinguished from planets) observed by the naked eye. (Lyssa Royal & Keith Priest, The Prism of Lyra).

Star map

When it comes to Earth's Galactic history, the Sirians play a major part. The Sirians were one of the first alien civilisations to visit our solar system, aeons ago. Some as yet unconfirmed theories situate these first visits to Earth approximately 4 to 5 million years ago. They were just short-term visits, mainly for scientific reasons. A first permanent settlement, however, was established approximately one million years ago, in what is now Latin America. (See: Ra). It was followed much later by waves of colonisations, not only from Sirius, but also from Lyra and later on from Orion and the Pleiades. When these colonisations of Earth took place, the Sirians started playing more and more of a crucial role in the history of our planet. Together with Lyrans and Pleiadians,they ended up "creating" two successive versions of mankind by blending some of their DNA with that of the less advanced humanoid species that existed at the time on Earth. In the early days of mankind, there were a lot of fights between the Sirians and the Lyrans about Earth. Fights in ancient mythologies between bird people or eagle people and snake people usually refer to the fights between the Lyrans and Pleiadians on the one hand (the bird or eagle people) and the Sirians (the snake people).

A lot of people, mainly active as healers, light workers or body workers here on Earth today, feel a strong affinity with Sirius. Many of them have lived on Sirius before. In fact, many of them even had numerous lifetimes both on Earth and on Sirius, often during Lemurian and Atlantean times, when alien civilisations openly interacted with our ancestors. A lot of the Atlantean Knowledge, e.g. with regard to auras, subtle bodies, or crystal healing, can be traced back to Sirius. It should therefore come as no surprise that Isis, in Egyptian mythology, was seen as the greatest healer, who could even restore Osiris' life and body after he had been murdered and cut into pieces by Seth. (See: the Arcturian-Sirian Matrix)

With regard to the inhabitants of Sirius, one should keep in mind that the Sirian system is the home of many galactic species, both physical and non-physical, humanoid and non-humanoid. Most of these races are quite benevolent towards mankind. But it is important to know that there is a minority of negative species, too, in Sirius, focusing upon personal gain through imperialism, control and manipulation. Some of the more horrific abductions that sometimes take place have been orchestrated by these negative Sirians, who can mainly be found in the Sirius B system.

Physical Characteristics of the humanoid Sirians: The Sirian race stems from Vega. They are dark skinned, have dark pronounced eyes. The Sirians that stayed on Earth however, 1) had a lot of contact with the Lyrans and 2) adapted to the climatological conditions on Earth, so that their skin became lighter, and lighter. (Note that the description given of the physical characteristics only applies to the physical, humanoid Sirians. Not to any other races).
One of the more persistent rumours in galactic lore is that cetaceans, i.e. porpoises, dolphins and whales, would originally come from a planet orbiting one of the stars of Sirius. (Sirius consists not of one but of three stars, though the scientific community is not entirely convinced of the existence of a third star, as it was only observed once, in 1929). Many people believe that on Earth, too, dolphins and whales possess consciousness, similar to human consciousness. Some say another planet that is inhabited by cetaceans orbits Altnitak, one of the three stars that make up the belt of Orion.

The Sirians also played an important part in the histories of Lemuria and Tiahuanaco (Mu'Ra), Egypt and Sumeria. In this context, Joshu David Stone mentions a race called the Kantarians, from Sirius, who assisted both the Lemurians and the Mayans.

Alex Collier mentions a benevolent Sirian civilisation of Lyran / vegan descent that lives in the Sirius A system, called the Katayy. (It is not clear whether these are the same Kantarians Joshu David Stone mentions, but it seems plausible).
He also mentions human inhabitants of the Sirius B system that are red, beige, grey or black skinned, as well as reptilian and 'aquatic' beings. The humans would have cat-like eyes.

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