Conspiracy theories
Generally speaking, conspiracy theories attempt to explain the ultimate cause of an event (usually a political, social, or historical event) as a secret, and often deceptive, plot by a covert alliance of powerful people or organizations rather than as an overt activity or as natural occurrence. (Old definition from Wikipedia)
The conspiracy theories that interest us from an exopolitical point of view are twofold:
- Governments all over the world are involved in loads of covert operations, which have to do with a UFO cover-up, or, more generally with covering up the presence of aliens on Earth. This whole cover-up involves a lot of secret projects. The US Government is believed to have several of them.
- Apart from that, there are several interest groups that are exerting a lot of behind the scenes influence in politics. These groups are sometimes referred to as the Secret Government, the Illuminati, etc... There are many indications that they, too, have been interacting with alien civilisations.
Some of the players who are involved in this are:
- the NSA & CIA work together, and are tied in to MJ-12 and Illuminati; working together with Greys (and according to some, the Reptilians).
- according to MW Cooper, COM-12 is the Naval Intelligence, and is exposing a lot of the MJ-12 material through 'leaks' (and according to some is working with the 'Blonds/Nordics' and/or Pleiadians).
There is ample evidence to substantiate these two theories.
Unfortunately, with the arrival of the Internet and social media, there has been a steady increase in completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theories that find their origins in propaganda campaigns. These days, these politically motivated disinformation campaigns are more prevalent than ever before in ufology.