Exopolitical Activism
Exopolitical activism is the policy, action, or practice of vigorous campaigning to bring about exopolitical change.
Exopolitics Denmark (now called UFO Denmark) defined it as follows: "Exopolitical activism and lobbyism is concerned with trying to influence the exopolitics in a given society. Trying to convince politicians to disclose an undisclosed extraterrestrial presence or trying to persuade a government to declassify UFO-files could be examples of exopolitical activism or lobbyism." (www.exopolitics.dk/exopolitical-activism)
Exopolitical activism started off as UFO disclosure activism, and for a long time its only focus was on ending UFO secrecy, cover-up, and truth embargo. Later on, its goals expanded and now also include raising awareness and educating people about an extraterrestrial presence and preparing for a post-disclosure world.
Donald Keyhoe
Donald Keyhoe probably was the first, in the mid-50s, to alert people to the fact that information about UFOs was being covered up. He urged the government to end the UFO secrecy.
In the seventies, the organization CAUS - Citizens Against UFO Secrecy - was founded.
Over the years, CAUS often made news headlines with its FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests and for taking the NSA to court over them.
Operation Right To Know
Operation Right To Know (ORTK) was a grass-roots movement whose purpose was to demand the end of the UFO cover-up, and more specifically, to end to all sociological/political suppression of extra-terrestrial contact. It was founded in 1992 by Ed Komarek and Mike Jamieson, who were soon joined by Elaine Douglass.
They made news headlines with protest actions in front of the White House.
Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project
The Disclosure Project was a research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. It was founded in 1993 by Steven Greer.
In May 2001, the Disclosure Project held a press conference at the National Press Club in D.C that featured "20 retired Air Force, Federal Aviation Administration and intelligence officers". According to a 2002 report in the Oregon Daily Emerald, Greer has gathered 120 hours of testimony from various government officials on the topic of UFOs, including astronaut Gordon Cooper and a Brigadier General.
Stephen Bassett and the Paradigm Research Group
Stephen Bassett is one of the other main exopolitical activists. Over the years, he organized several conferences, the 2003 Citizen Hearing, along with other initiatives, like Tweet Storms, 'One Million Faxes', etc.
Luis Elizondo
Ever since he came forward in December 2017, Luis Elizondo has also relentlessly been campaigning for disclosure. He is one of the main people involved in the #UFOTwitter campaigns on Twitter.
Forms of Activism
Over the years, exopolitical activism has taken many different forms. These include demonstrations and protests, campaigning, lobbying, tweet storms and fax campaigns, hearings, conferences, declarations, petitions, sending DVDs to members of parliament, creating documentaries, press conferences, publishing articles and books, etc.