One of the non-human beings that are often encountered are described as 'Reptilians'. They are commonly encountered, e.g., during abductions. They are one of the four phenotypes that have been encountered worldwide.
Galactic lore claims many of these reptilians belong to the Draconian / Orion Confederation. They are usually characterized as a bunch of aliens with evil intentions, i.e. to conquer and control as much of this galaxy as they can. (In her books, Barbara Marciniak refers to them as 'Lizzies').
These reptilians supposedly are coming from: Thuban (Alpha Draconis) & Tiphon (Draco), Bellatrix & Rigel (Orion), Epsilon Bootes, Zeta Reticuli and Altair (Aquilla).
Note, however, that there also are stories in the Galactic Lore about friendly reptilian races.
Apart from these off-world reptilians, there also are persistent world-wide stories about one or more reptilian races that are native to Earth, and that would live in a network of underground cities. (See Agartha). As such they meet the criteria for a Breakaway Civilization.
Physical appearance:
There are several lizard races, including insectoids, reptoids, dinoids (or saurians, as some people prefer to call them), as well as cross-breeds between them.
The most common species are:
- the snake-men: these reptilian creatures are often seen by abductees. They are about six to eight feet tall, upright, with lizard-like scales, greenish to brownish in colour with claw-like, four-fingered webbed hands....Their faces are said to be a cross between a human and a snake, with a central ridge coming down from the top of the head to the snout. Adding to their serpent-like appearance are their eyes which have vertical slits in their pupils and golden irises. Some abductees describe the face as somewhat dinosaurish.
- the winged draco or 'moth-men' (pteroids, pterosaurians, or winged serpents): winged Draconions that have the ability to fly, (without even using their wings). Their eyes are large and red, and supposedly have an inescapable hypnotic stare.
- the tall Reptoids/Reptilians who control various smaller reptilian "grey" species;
- "grey reptilians" which reproduce via polyembryony, egg hatcheries and/or cloning; (of which again, there are several species. See: greys: type C greys).
- a particularly malevolent iguana-like dark-skinned sorcerer-priest class that is often seen wearing hooded robes and stands about 5 ft. tall;
- anda shorter 4-5 ft. tall race of reptilian-amphibians that have been described as appearing like "frog faced lizards".
- Another species is The Orange: Some suggest that the 'Orange' are a so-called 'hybrid' race with PARTIAL reptilian-like features yet possessing human-like reproductive organs and even certain artificial or cybernetic features. (See: "Orange, The").
For more information about their appearance, read the topic 'Reptilian phenotype'.
See also: Draco, Orion, Vega, Zeta and Altair.